For more information about the medical procedures outlined in this web-site please see the following links.

CT Head Scan

This is a website from The United States called Radiology Info. It is developed and funded by the American College of Radiology (ACR) and the Radiological Society of North America (RSNA). The link given goes directly to a page outlining CT head scans. This web-site has general information which could be helpful for families and carers. It is a very comprehensive website with information about radiology in general and an A-Z of procedures.

This is a website from The United States called the University Health Care System. It is a not-for-profit community hospital that has a lot of information about health care. The information is supplied by the University Health Care System, in Augusta, Georgia. The link given goes directly to a web-page that describes CT head scans. This web-site has general information which could be helpful for families and carers, as well as more specific information which could be helpful for health care professionals.