Your Meals
Foods that can make you Sick
People with diabetes can get sick if they eat too many fatty or sugary foods.
Eating fatty foods can make you put on weight. Fatty foods are not good for your heart.
Pizza Hot chips Sausage roll Fried Chicken Hamburger
Meat Pie Hot dog Cheese Chips Mayonnaise
Eating sugary foods will make you blood glucose high.
Sugary foods also make you put on weight.
Putting on weight is bad for your heart.
Ice cream Cake Sweet Biscuits Lollies
Soft Drinks Jam Chocolate
It can be hard to eat healthy food all the time.
Some people find it easier if they:
Buy foods that have the word 'diet' or low fat labels
- Look for the Heart Foundation tick on the labels
- Drink diet cordial or diet soft drinks
- Cut off any fat on meat before cooking
- Take the skin off the chicken
- Spread butter or margarine thinly
- Try eating grilled food rather than deep fried foods
- Ask for a small serve rather than a large serve
- Exercise more if you have eaten too much
- Try and only eat a small amount of fatty or sugary food when your blood glucose levels are in the 'ideal' range.
Activity 1
Tick when you allow yourself to eat a little fatty or sugary food
When I go out grocery shopping
When I meet up with my friends or family
Other times like ..................................
Activity 2
Write down what you like to eat when you go out:
- For Cake and Coffee
- For Takeaway
- To the Shopping Centre
- To the Pub
- To a Party
- On a Picnic
- To a Restaurant
- To the Place of a Friend who is not a Diabetic
Healthy Foods
To keep well, it is best not to have fatty and sugary foods every day.
Eating healthy foods helps you feel well.
Healthy foods helps you manage your diabetes.
Healthy foods are:
Carbohydrates make glucose which gives you energy
Pasta Cereal Potatoes Bread Rice Milk Yoghurt Dried Beans
Proteins with low fat are healthy food
Proteins keep your body working
Meat Milk Fish
Vegetables and Salad
Vegetables or salad are healthy food.
Salad Vegetables
Fruits are healthy food.
Apple Oranges Banana Grapes Watermelon
Water or diet drinks are health drinks.
Water Diet Soft Drink Diet Cordial
Oils and Butter
Use only a little bit of oil or butter as it can make you put on weight very quickly
Oil Butter
Add flavor to your food by using:
Healthy Ways to Cook
Grill Microwave Stir Fry Steam BBQ
Activity 3
Print this page and write down your favorite foods from each group:
Carbohydrate foods
Protein foods
Activity 4
Print this page and write down your favorite food for:
Morning Tea
Afternoon Tea
Activity 5

Spread your meals evenly over the whole day and eat at the same time every day
Eat some carbohydrates at each meal
Eat foods low in fat
Activity 6
Print this page and write down in the clocks what time do you like to have your meals
- Breakfast
- Morning tea
- Lunch
- Afternoon Tea
- Dinner