Low Blood Glucose Levels

The medical term for low blood glucose levels are is hypoglycemia or 'hypo'.

You have to be very careful of this happening to you if you take insulin or are on some types of diabetes medication.

It can happen if you:


cross     photo of unhealthy meal

cross      photo of carbohydrates


cross      symbol with medications     symbol with syringe and insulin


cross     photo of bottles of alcohol


The symptoms you may start to feel could be:


illustration of person falling asleep at computer



illustration of person looking confused



            illustration of person crying


illustration of person sweating.  



You may be having a 'hypo' which is another name for low blood glucose levels

If you feel like this, you are very sick and need to:


stop sign     Stop and tell someone how you feel


illustration of person with doctor in doctors office

Ask someone to check your Blood Glucose Level

photo of jelly beans  

Eat something Sugary to like Jelly Beans or Drink 1/2 Glass of Lemonade

photo of blood glucose test

Wait 10 -15 minutes, and

  • If you are not feeling better
  • You will need do another blood glucose test, and
  • Have some more sugar to eat or drink


photo of biscuit

If you feel better you need to eat a piece of fruit, biscuit or a sandwich


Check you have taken your diabetes medication or insulin


photo of blood glucose test

Try and check your blood glucose level again to make sure your blood glucose levels are getting higher


photo of blood clucose monitor machine

If your blood glucose level is good you can go back to what you were doing

photo of ambulance and 000

If your blood glucose levels do not get higher and your symptoms become worse,

ask someone to call an ambulance.


High Blood Glucose Levels

The medical name for high blood glucose is hyperglycemia.

High blood glucose levels can happen if you:



cross      medications     syringe with insulin

Don't take your Diabetes Medication or Insulin


photo of junk food

Eat too much Fatty or Sugary Food


     image of overweight person lying in the sun eating unhealthy food

Don't Exercise

photo of bottles of alcohol

Drink Too Much Alcohol

illustration of person lying in hospital
Have a Cold, Vomiting or Diarrhoea


The symptoms you may start to feel are:

illustration of person entering toilet

The need to go to the Toilet a lot to pass Urine


illustration of person falling asleep at computer


illustration of person drinking from drink bottle


You may have hyperglycemia.

This is high blood glucose level If you feel like this, you are very sick and need to:


stop sign

Stop and tell someone how you feel

photo of blood glucose test

Ask someone to check your blood glucose level


pills     syringe and insulin 

Check you have taken your diabetes medication or insulin

glass of water

Drink some water


person visiting doctor in doctors office

You may need to visit your doctor


photo of ambulance and  000

If your blood glucose levels are very high and your symptoms become worse,

you may need to ask someone to call an ambulance.